Thursday, July 30, 2009

my first blog

What am I passionate about?

I read some where that one is to blog about something you are passionate about. I am a recycler.. that is what I have done consistently for years. When it wasn't in fashion and even now when it's not pretty seeing me pull stuff out of the dumpsters. I once had a nick name "Dumpster Diane" I think I like ThirftyDiane better.

Now when I recycle, I am pulling this stuff from the dirty grubby hands of the landfill... true recycling in my mind. I am going to list the items that I recycle daily. I think this is important because over time we can see how much it is. I look around my house and I see so many things saved.

Today 7/30/09 I recycled (saved):
  1. Approx 25 aluminum cans
  2. August 2009 Real Simple magazine (cover was a little dirty, but it washed up really good and at least one more read is good - and god knows I could use a simpler life)
  3. Friend sent over some Copper Coil for me to take in (I guess I owe him lunch now).
  4. 11 coke tops (
  5. Old Navy 100% cotton T-shirt (in the laundry now)
  6. A penny...
The day isn't over... I have another ride.


Will said...

Me like'm blog this. Real good. ThriftyDi dance earth will save and happy. Real real good.

(I love it!!! :)
You always make me smile.)

Unknown said...

My recycling friends loved your picture. It would be cool to have a picture of you carrying your loot. Use your camera; it's amazing how good the pictures are these days.

You are not old. You look younger than me and I just had two people in the past week ask if I was Marla's sister! Yes, I think they were probably suffering from Miopia :)

You are an inspiration!
Love, Tessa

toni said...

Di - I love your site - AND I love the photo

Unknown said...

Wow! You are not only cleaning the neighborhood but finding useful and usable items that you or others don't have to buy. Best of all they are finding a new life and staying out of the landfill/incinerator a little longer.

Will (our brother) showed me the amazing usefulness of disposable gloves. Of course I wash them over and over again until they tear. They tuck very easily into small places for quick retrieval when picking up stuff. I also like to carry some plastic grocery bags to contain "found" items. I think putting items that need to be contained and cleaned are the best use for these bags and then used to line the real trash can. Otherwise I use cloth bags to shop. I get the plastic bags from neighbors excess or the recycling containers at the stores. xx Tessa

Unknown said...

I can remember you collecting aluminum cans in 1986-8 several years before Calif had official curbside recycling. A gal way ahead of the times :)

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I gotta hand it to ya, Diane--this is pretty inspiring! Its like a treasure hunt that you do daily. Who knows what you might find! Wow. I'm gonna get out there too.


Today's Quote:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb