Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today as I looked down I realized most items of my en·sem·ble  (n-smbl) was from the trash. 
Lets go from head to toe.  
  1. Glasses retrieved from yard of guy yelling at me from rooftop last week.
  2. Black Tommy Hilfiger bag retreived from trash can on high street and 11th (outside of law school).
  3. Shirt - oh I paid cold hard cash $3.00 at Walmart for that.
  4. Skirt from Old Navy pulled last week from the grubby hands of the landfill on Patterson and East Avenues (same place, except across the street and different time as my conversation with the woman and the diesel truck).
  5. No, I didn't get this bike from the dumpster but if you look hard you can see the Bell Helmet I did get from a dumpster.  Somehow I can't remember which one.  You'd think I'd remember because I was really happy to find it.  Its sitting in my basket - the one that I throw cans, etc. into daily.


Anonymous said...

You Rock!

friend said...

Diane, My initial thought is, "you look so purdy in your trashy clothes" but I don't know if that's funny or not or if it sounds mean. I think it's funny. It's supposed to be like a pun or something. Do you get what I'm saying?
Oh just never mind.

Anonymous said...

Just as I always thought ...YOU ARE NUTIER THAN A FRUIT CAKE. Fortunately you are beautiful outside and inside...... and your heart is in the right direction.I am a very proud Uncle.Thank You !!!!!

Today's Quote:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb