Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week 2 of Campus Moving Craziness- What I saved or didn't?

  1. Please Sir! Frigyes Karinthy Book
  2. Chance by Chanel perfume spray
  3. 4 cans of green beans
  4. case, sealed, 12 green giant corn 
  5. case, sealed, 12 green giant green beans
  6. buckeye necklace
  7. Puma Shoes IN ORIGINAL BOX
  8. Jeans with all the tags on them: American Rag wash out khaki 32x30 Someone paid the markdown price of $29.63
  9. and on and on and on......
  10. I pulled out so much stuff and set it to the side to find it gone to someone else - that makes me happy!  I truly saved it from the landfill!
OMG I could go on and on here with all the stuff I pulled from the trash this week.  It was a really difficult week for me.  I just don't understand it and I knew I really couldn't make that much of a difference with all of the waste.

As we rode home today from the local chinese grocery store (cuz they sell lots of stuff way cheaper than the giant eagle across the street) I stopped in front of an apartment and started crushing and picking up the cans.  A man from the roof (?) yelled over, "hey thanks" and I said "no problem" without ever looking up or who said it and continued.  My daughter was busy crushing as well as I.  Then some boy (it is football Saturday) screams at me "you may think you are recycling", then "you won't get any money for that", and "you are taking away the homeless people's money".  I ignored him and another dude kept saying to him "shhhh".  Then I said "you have no idea" and that was my mistake.  (Note to self - don't ever talk to drunks! Ignore them and just go about your business.)  He kept on and on saying the same thing - my daughter didn't seem too bothered so we kept crushing and picking up.  Then I said "How do you know I am not homeless?" and rode off on my bike as he yelled the same stuff.  He has no idea the helmet I was wearing I found in the trash this week (thank God because I really wanted a new one).  He has no idea I don't have a job and worry about what I am going to do.  He has no idea that I actually do get money for cans and use it to put money away for college.  He really has no idea. 

No one can tell what another s story or situation is on how they "look".  I know I make all types of assumptions on exterior appearances and this is a good reason to remember not to. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An interesting piece from a fellow practitioner who has come to find the modes of greeting each other to have more than meets the eye. In fact, yes we have an idea and we have no idea--holding two thoughts, but seeing as one, that's the key.--HAT

"In certain cultures people greet each other with a little bow and their hands pressed together in a prayer position. This is meant to
convey that one acknowledges the divinity in the other. In our culture we greet each other by shaking hands, a gesture meant to convey the
cheery thought, "See? I'm not holding a weapon." Personally, I like the divinity "hi, how are ya" a lot better. In fact, sometimes I like
to walk down the street and remind myself that each and every person I see is of divine origin and on a journey that is unique, profound,
tragic, joyous and, to them, immensely important (airports are also good for this exercise). Now that's not to say that I don't often consider others as being mere speed bumps on my little drive through life. I just find that when I make the slightest effort to acknowledge that spark of divinity in the people I meet, I feel better. Life is less threatening. I feel safer. More inclined to being open and loving. More inclined to leave the safety on." --Herb Wallum

Today's Quote:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb