Monday, December 28, 2009

Who should be embarrased?

So as much as one (ME) tries not be seen "recycling" others items I might have been caught at work taking an item out of the trash.  The thing is, it was an item that I pulled out of the trash when no one was around.... and then the door flung open and I swear the person may have seen me do it but I do not know for sure.  Then upon further review the item was needlessly thrown away by the very person who may have caught me pulling it out.  

I was apauled that I was caught doing this at a place I was working and trying to make a good impression.  Trash picking isn't necessarily a good impression.  I really need a full time job with benefits and well..... would you hire someone that you saw do this?

Then it dawned on me........... really, who is the one that should be embarressed?  The one who retreives the item and makes use of it or the one who put it in the trash when it was perfectly good?


Sonya said...

I remember you saying over the summer that when you go to job interviews, the interviewer is not getting the whole Diane---the one who is passionate about biking and recycling.

Maybe you need to wear a big placard that says "Not only am I a great employee, I also care about waste and the environment. You may see me take perfectly good stuff out of the trash."

Don't be embarrassed, just get really good at telling people about your core values!

Will said...

Dear Wonderful Sister:
The question you ask is not nearly as complicated as it appears. It's easy to know who (if anyone) should be embarrassed in this case. It's a lot like playing cards. Once you remove your last finger... it's fair game. Granted... YOU found a running chain-saw in the office waste basket (a clear office No-No and frankly a fire hazard... let alone, WHO wears steel tipped shoes to work anymore? Like I said, a No-No in today's non-lumberjack cubicle office.) Had you NOT retrieved the smoking chain-saw it could have literally removed passing fingers the next time someone threw trash away if they didn't notice the chain-saw jumping around in the can. Good for you. YOU were in the right here and should be given an extra pound of salt for your horse (nice horsey). I hope I've helped you see through this common dilemma. Any other questions, I can be reached in my beach igloo along with my half-full tequila bottle watching sunset moose typing blue plates oslnl. il;dli8aie090090937*&%%$#

Anonymous said...


No one should be embarrased. It is one of our most useless emotions. And of course, I am embarrsased on a regular basis!

Happy New year to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Diane - interesting post. don't think you should be embarrassed at all. are we talking dumpster diving or an individual bin? Was it typical office waste (i.e. clean sheets of paper) or were messy materials involved?

If it was all clean, I suppose you should be recommended for saving a little money for your employer... Rajeev

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that these people didn't already know that you're into recycling.. But since they didn't, Sonya is right. Your earth-conscious nature is definitely a "pro", why not advertise it to potential employers?

Y'know, there's gotta be a perfect place for you.. Something green that requires your hardworking, no-nonsense qualities... Gonna think on that one..

BTW, there is a position at the Ronald McDonald House that has just opened up, Executive Assistant who also has something to do with special events and donor relations.. You could do that..


Today's Quote:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb