Sunday, April 25, 2010

Value and Judgement

As I did my daily chores today I realized that I often pass judgment on others.  I think I do it so much that I do it more than I think.  Make sense? Makes perfect sense to me.  

As I was washing an item today that in my mind was clearly broken, another person still used it. A plate that had a big chunk taken out of it was still useful to her.  Had this happened in my house I'd have chucked it right in the trash giving it no other thought.  Well one other thought and that would have been "can I recycle that"?

This is when I realized again today my values and judgments are mine alone. Period.  Not better than nor worse than any others.  They are what works for me.  I hope I can be mindful of this.  Remembering would remove lots of negative thoughts from my daily life.  I can use that.


Unknown said...

Oh, me too! If only others could throw their shoes at us when we are ready to judge!

Sonya said...

Yes, Diane, please throw shoes at me like you did on the phone today! Thanks for spreading this positive perspective.

Today's Quote:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb